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Welcome, and thank you for visiting Ruach Outreach Ministries online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about us here or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Christ and for you, our neighbor.


Our Vision


Empowered by the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha-Kodesh), we will go beyond the process of Salvation to equip mankind for the lifelong process of Sanctification. We are committed to meeting the needs of man’s total being that he may prosper in all his ways:


Spiritually, Mentally, Physically, and Socioeconomically.


Sanctify them in the Truth; Your Word is Truth

John 17:17

Get Involved:
Here are some areas in which you can put your faith into action.  Please be on the lookout for additional opportunites to take part as we continue to diversify our areas of impact.




Bible discourse ministry providing forums where specified Biblical principles are explored at length to best identify techniques for personal application.


Working Families of Plainfield


Partnering with Working Families of Plainfield to help advocate income equality and fight for social justice 


MATR® (Movement of Adult & Teen Resilience)


Providing emotional and vocational support to chilren of parents who suffer or have suffered from mental illness.


Ruach Health and Wellness

Providing practical health and wellness support to enhance participants' physical well-being and quality of life.


Breath of Life Outreach


Providing food, clothing, and access to shelter to the homeless and abject poor in local communities. 


Decarcerate the Garden State Partnership


Partnering with the DGS initiative to bring reform to the judicial system to transfer focus from excessive imprisonment to true rehabilitation. Decarcerate NJ > website 


Sisters In Spirit


Women’s fellowship ministry to educate, connect and serve the needs of women; to develop relationships based on accountability and acceptance to positively impact the community.


MOVE (Men of Valor Empowerment) 

Movement to provide mentorship to local young men to develop integrity, courage, and social responsibility. 

© 2015 by RUACH OUTREACH MINISTRIES. All right reserved.  |  PHONE (833) 239-5282

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